SPECIALS... Monday - Guidance, Tuesday - Library, Wednesday - PE, Thursday - Art & Music, Friday - Computer,

Thursday, June 1, 2017

First Grade News
June 2017

Important Dates to Remember
    June 2nd - Spring Concert - 1:00 p.m.
June 5th Beach Day
June 6th - Field trip to Moosepoint State Park -   
    June 14th - Field Day K-4
    June 15th - Last student day - 11:30 dismissal

These last couple of weeks in first grade are going to be so busy! We still have things that we are trying to finish up before we send the children off to second grade.

We have just begun our last math unit this week. It is all about 3-D geometry. We will be working with our 3-D shapes - Geoblocks and interlocking cubes - to describe 3-D shapes and their attributes. The children will be describing and comparing rectangular prisms. They will also be identifying the characteristics of 3-D objects by touch by playing Blocks in a Sock. They have to reach in and figure out which block is in the sock just by feeling it. We are hoping to finish this unit by the end of the year.
In science we are still working on our plant unit - Plant Traits and Inheritances. When we finish this unit we are going to try to squeeze one more unit in-Animal Traits and Inheritances. If all goes well we should be able to finish it up before the students become second graders!

In Writing Workshop we are working very hard to finish our last writing unit, which is writing realistic fiction. We just started writing a new realistic fiction series, and these will be chapter books! Hopefully we’ll have time to get our last series all finished. If the children work hard I’m sure they can do it!