SPECIALS... Monday - Guidance, Tuesday - Library, Wednesday - Art, Thursday - Music & PE, Friday - Computer,

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020

Today is Telling Tuesday.  Can you tell someone some rhyming words for...
1.face                 3.cook
2.boat                 4.jump

Can you tell someone 5 ways to make the number 28?

Hope you have a great day or remote learning.  Work hard and have fun!

Life Cycle of a butterfly

Reading Read to someone or with someone for 15 minutes.

Listen to The Very Impatient Caterpillar

Write about a time you have been very impatient.  What were you waiting for? 
How did you feel?  What did you do?

Word Families
Can you make 5 new words from each? 

Math  Don't forget to work on IXl (maybe you could work on measurement)
**Also get some fact practice in Xtra math is a good way to practice.

Watch video on correctly using nonstandard units to measure
Use a nonstandard unit of measurement to measure the length of these
items (ex of nonstandard unit: paperclips, pennies, blocks, toothpicks) 
1 pencil
2 book
3 shoe
4 desk/table
5 a toy
6 window
For numbers 7, 8,9, and 10 find items to measure their length. What will you measure?

Make your own Butterfly life cycle craft.  Here is an example...be creative &
have fun! Use any materials you can find.  Describe each stage.

Today's specials are....
Computer - Go check out Mrs. Stone's blog

Guidance - Go check out Mrs. Ludden's blog

I am so anxious to see the creative life cycles you will work on.
Don't forget to smile today! Miss you!!
                        Love, Mrs. Lausier💜

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