SPECIALS... Monday - Guidance, Tuesday - Library, Wednesday - Art, Thursday - Music & PE, Friday - Computer,

Friday, May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020

Happy May Day! Do you know what May Day is?
Here is a link to take you to May day celebrations around the World.
Which one is your favorite?


Today is also Fun Friday!  Here is a joke for you...
Why was the butterfly not invited to the dance?  
(answer is at bottom of today's post)

Fun Friday..
Butterfly World Virtual Field Trip


Read to or with someone for 15 minutes.....don't forget all the great books on Epic
Listen to the poem

Can you write a poem about socks, or a poem about laughing?
**Bring your poem with you to our next individual meeting**

Math IXL
Flash Card Friday
If you don’t have your own flash cards you can make some to practice with.
You can do addition or subtraction problems. Xtra Math is flash card practice😀

Today is a Music day so go check out Mrs. Miller's blog

The answer to the riddle is....
Because it was a moth ball. LOL 🤣

Enjoy the first day of May and be sure to have lots of FUN!
Miss you lots! I am anxious to see your work samples, but I am most anxious to see you 
at our individual meeting next week! Have an awesome weekend!

                                        Love, Mrs. Lausier💜

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