Today is Five Word Friday......Can you think of five words that
describe you?
Solve these 5 equations that have a 15 in them
1. 12+ 15 = ________ 2. 36 - 15 =_________
3. 90 +15 =________ 4. 45 - ________ = 15
5. 7 + 7 + 15 = ___________
Can you be a soil scientist?
Ask for your parents' help. Go outside and dig up a pile of soil. What is in the soil?
Can you find any worms? Examine the soil using a magnifying glass (if you have one)
and draw what you see.🔍
Reading 📚
Read to or with someone for 15 minutes.
Listen to “Pete the Cat:Firefighter Pete”
Write about a job you would not want and explain why you would not want that job.
Math- Spend a little time on IXL
Flash Card Friday- If you don’t have your own flashcards, use this link[0]=addition&level=1
Fun Time
“May” you have a day filled with colors and sunshine.
Can you paint or draw and color a picture like these?
Today is music, so go checkout Mrs. Miller's blog. ♭🎸
Make today a Fun Filled Friday! We are supposed to have a nice weekend, so I hope
you can enjoy some outside time.🌞🌲😎
Love, Mrs. Lausier💜
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