SPECIALS... Monday - Guidance, Tuesday - Library, Wednesday - Art, Thursday - Music & PE, Friday - Computer,

Monday, May 4, 2020

May 5, 2020

Hi Friends.

Today is Telling Tuesday.  Tell someone something you are grateful for.
Now tell someone 5 math equations that have the number 5 in them.
(you can add or subtract).

Reading - Read to or with someone for 15 minutes.

Little Red Riding Hood


Imagine you are packing a basket for a picnic.  What sort of things would you pack?
Who would you share your picnic with?  Where would you have your picnic?

Word Families
Can you make 5 words for each?


Math - Don't forget IXL or Xtra Math

Find five things in your house that are taller than you. Find 5 things in your house
that are shorter than you. Draw something that is taller than you. Draw
something that is shorter than you. You can also do this for someone else in
your home! Can you find five things in your home that are taller than your mom or dad?


Step 1: Discuss alternative ways Little Red Riding Hood could have safely made it through the woods. Encourage imaginative thinking, the solution does not have to be realistic.

Step 2: On the large sheet of paper, draw Little Red Riding Hood’s house, Grandma’s house and the woods.
Step 3: Decide on a new way for Red Riding Hood to cross the woods to avoid the wolf. Build using what materials you have on hand to act out Little Red Riding Hood’s new way to cross the woods.
Fun Time
Run, run as fast as you can...Have someone time you and run a lap around your house or yard. Do it a second time.  Were you faster or slower on your second lap?
Today would be computer day. Go check out Mrs. Stone's blog
Also go and see what Mrs. Ludden has planned for you guys.    https://centerdriveguidance.weebly.com/
Have a Terrific Tuesday!  Looking forward to seeing some great work from today!
                                   Love, Mrs. Lausier💜

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