SPECIALS... Monday - Guidance, Tuesday - Library, Wednesday - Art, Thursday - Music & PE, Friday - Computer,

Thursday, May 7, 2020

May 7, 2020

Today is Thumbs up Thursday. What positive thing will you do today?

I am really anxious for our whole class Google Hangout out on Friday
morning at 9:30.  Hope to see you there.πŸ‘€

Read to our with someone for 15 minutes.πŸ“•πŸ“™πŸ“—πŸ“˜

The Gingerbread Man

Make a wanted poster for The Gingerbread Man. Include these things…
*Last seen
*Description of cookie

*Draw a picture of the missing Gingerbread Man.

Building words
How many words can you make using the letters from.......
Gingerbread Man

Math Do not forget to do some IXL and math fact practice πŸ’ͺ

Watch the video then find different 2D and 3D shapes around your house and compare them. How are they different? How are they the same? Can you make a chart that shows the objects you found for each category. 


Build a bridge using some materials you have found around your house.
What materials do you think might work best? Some examples are:
Sticks, straws, paper, cardboard.Build a bridge then test it by adding weight.
Keep adding weight until your bridge breaks. Did you build a strong bridge?

Fun Time
Watch this video and see if you can draw some 3D shapes! These are challenging but fun!

Today is also art my creative friends!  Go check out Mrs. Steven' s blog.

Have a wonderful Thursday! I am looking forward to seeing some Thumbs up work!πŸ‘
Love, Mrs. LausierπŸ’œ

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