SPECIALS... Monday - Guidance, Tuesday - Library, Wednesday - Art, Thursday - Music & PE, Friday - Computer,

Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1, 2020

Hi Friends,

I hope everyone had a fun weekend.  I can not believe it is June!  We have 5 more days
left in first grade......WOW!  I am still so sad that we can not be together to end our
year, but I am so grateful for our meetings, hangouts, and seeing such awesome
first grade work or pictures.

Do you enjoy the beach/ocean?  I sure do!😎

🏖Beach/Ocean Day🏖

Reading - Read to or with someone for 15 minutes

‘The Ocean Alphabet Book’

‘Commotion in the Ocean’


Check this out too!

The best part about going to the beach is.....

Play Beach Volleyball

1 Get a ball or a balloon
2 Get a partner or two to play
3 Start passing the ball back and forth over an imaginary net or use a chair or other
object as the net.
4 How many times can you pass/tap the ball back and forth
🌟(challenge without dropping it)🌟
5 The goal is 120…..did you do it?
*Can you count to 100 by 2’s as you tap the ball?
*Can you count by 5’s?

Fun Time
Play ‘Dolphin Diving’

Have a Marvelous Monday!  Work hard and have fun!! 
💜Mrs. Lausier

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