SPECIALS... Monday - Guidance, Tuesday - Library, Wednesday - Art, Thursday - Music & PE, Friday - Computer,

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Dear 1st Grade Parents,. 

We will be taking attendance each day through Google Classroom.

Because your student’s tablet is not ready to go home yet, and we

have not practiced Google Classroom at school, we are asking that you

use the attached calendar to help us with daily attendance. Each day that

your student is participating in school work from home, please initial that

date on the calendar. Please keep the calendar in your student’s Take Home

Folder, so that it can travel back and forth to school during the week. Once

we have tablets ready to go home, we will transition to taking attendance electronically.

As always, thank you for your support!

***Also the take home folders have lots of paperwork for you to fill out....parent


There are also some papers that have passwords. Please keep these in a safe place.

(We will use this when we get our tablets)

We had an awesome first day and the kids did very well.  Many said 

they wished they could come back tomorrow, I'd say that was success! 

 I can not wait for the first day with Pod 1.

Mrs. Lausier

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