SPECIALS... Monday - Guidance, Tuesday - Library, Wednesday - PE, Thursday - Art & Music, Friday - Computer,

Friday, May 31, 2019

Wiswell Farm Trip with some Fantastic First Graders

First Grade News for June

Important Dates to Remember
    June 7th - Spring Concert - 1:00 p.m.
    June 14th - Field trip to Moosepoint State Park -   
    June 17th - Field Day K-4 (more info will come home soon)
    June 18th - Last student day - 1/2 day

These last couple of weeks in first grade are going
to be so busy! We still have things that we are
trying to finish up before we send the children
off to second grade.

We will wrap up our reading working on making predictions,
summarizing, and sequencing of events.  Our grammar focus
is on describing words (adjectives) and comparing using -er and -est.
Continue to read and talk to your child about what they are reading.

We will be working on our last math unit this week.
This unit is on fractions and students will be determining
whether shapes are divided into equal shares.  They will divide
shapes into 2 or 4 equal shares.  A goal is to understand that
more equal shares of the same whole create smaller shares.
We end our math program with a step up to grade 2 topic.

In Writing Workshop we are working very hard to finish our
last writing unit, which is writing realistic fiction. We just
started writing a new realistic fiction series, and these
will be chapter books! Hopefully we’ll have time to get our
last series all finished. If the children work hard
I’m sure they can do it!  


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Dear Parents,

On June 14th the entire kindergarten, first, and
second grades will be taking a field trip to Moose
Point Park in Searsport.  We will be leaving at 8:45
in the morning and returning to school at 2:30.
 Please remember you are required to complete the volunteer
training and have a background check before you are
able to volunteer. This can take up to 3 days so if you
haven't completed this you will need to contact the
office as soon as possible.  

Items students will need for the field trip:

- Bag lunch with plenty of water
- Sun screen/bug spray
- Change of clothes (in case we get wet)
- boots/sneakers/water shoes that can get wet
- sweatshirt or coat (we are on the coast where it can be breezy)
- shovel/bucket (if you have one to explore the tidal pools)

* We are only taking two buses for all the students.
We will fill the buses, so parents will be asked to carpool.  
The park has asked for us to do this because of limited
parking spaces.

**Chaperones will need to pay a $3.00 fee at the gate.  
This is due to a change in park policy.