SPECIALS... Monday - Guidance, Tuesday - Library, Wednesday - PE, Thursday - Art & Music, Friday - Computer,

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Dates to remember
*October 11th full day teacher inservice
*October 14th Columbus Day
*October 22nd Picture Day

We will be continuing to review consonant sounds
and short vowel sounds.  Through reading texts
we will be comparing and contrasting, and working
with cause and effect.  Our reading genres will be
fantasy, realism and realistic fiction. A main focus
will be on story structure and elements.  Reviewing
and working on high frequency words will be done.
Students will continue to read just right books daily.

We are still working on small moments.  We are working
on ways to bring our stories to life, make our characters
talk, move, feel, and think.  We are working on telling
our stories in steps. After we complete our narrative
unit, each student will publish their favorite small moment story.

We are currently working on adding and subtracting
within ten.  One of the goals in first grade is to have
them become fluent with these facts.  So, any fact practice
at home would be really helpful. When we move into topic
3 we will be using strategies to add to 20.  

Our second unit is Communication.  We will discuss how
people can communicate with people who are nearby and
far away.  Our discussions will be centered around how we
communicate with others. The students will practice communicating
using light and Morse Code.  They will also create a
telephone using cups and string. They will need to
build, test, and explain their creation. It is always
amazing to see how many “phones” do work!

Please continue to check communication folders daily.  
It is getting cooler, so please send a light jacket or
sweatshirt for recess time.

The year has started wonderfully and the first
graders are awesome!

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